Today, Japan is blessed with a very convenient environment.
Skyscrapers, highway networks, automobiles, ferries, bullet trains and aircraft ... our lives are based on the results of their construction, manufacture, maintenance and operation.
Behind the scenes a large number of staffs are working to support the stage of our safe and comfortable lives.

One of these jobs as "unsung heros" is "Welding".
It is no exaggeration to say that the current industrial base would not be possible without welding.

This welding process is classified as a "special process" in terms of quality control, and is distinguished from the case of making ordinary products.
The actual process is done in various places, from the ironworks in the town to the world's largest companies.
There are many welding methods and a wide variety of metals to be welded, including iron, stainless steel, nickel and cobalt-based superalloys, aluminum, and copper alloys.

In May 2nd, 2014, I・Welding・Technology LLC. was established in the ancient capital city Kyoto, with the main purpose of "Almighty Consulting Center" for welding.

Based on over 40 years of experience with multiple welding material companies, we will provide all kinds of products, services and support such as selection of welding materials, presentation of construction conditions, preparation of necessary documents such as construction procedures, construction guidance, support for problem solving and improvement, provision of welding materials, etc.

Good for 3 sides, that are a seller, a buyer and world, was used the spirit of Omi Shonin (merchant established in Omi district) in Edo era, the president Ito was born in Omi district (now Shiga prefecture), and I manages  with this spirit.  

"I" in I・Welding・Technology LLC. have three means as well as Omi Shonin spirit , that is,  at first, for International business, the initial of the president of IWT "Ito,T." and the love in Japanese  pronunciation "I".

President & CEO
I・Welding・Technology. LLC.

13-2-405 Higashikujo Aketa-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto,   601-8044 JAPAN



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