
The history of FCW

IWT will provide you the newest FCW as shown in this Item. 

One of main business in IWT is FCW. FCW is using widely in the world,  because of its good characteristic and diversity in arc phenomena based cross section of FCW.

I, CEO of IWT, have experienced almost current of FCW, mentioned in my biography, visiting to Arcos in Belgium, that have first developed CO2 arc welding using FCW in the world, attending to develop and improve the manufacturing method of wide range diameter (φ0.9~13.0) and various materials such as steel, Ni alloy, Cu ally, etc., including to apply practical use of them.

I will show you the current of FCW.


Some Scenes in High Speed Video Camera

Contribution of high speed camera and video to the improvement of welding method and welding material is very big. Arc phenomena and drop transfer of MIG welding and the collision of thermal spraying particle are shown as examples.

We can take a high speed video, if you want. 


Control of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Combustor by Arc Spraying (1)

IWT will provide you this Arc Spraying Wire "NiSA* " as shown in this Item.

*:Patented by Tohoku Electric Power Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd. and Nippon Welding Rod Co., Ltd.

I, CEO of IWT, had taken part in the joint research with Nagoya University, Tohoku Electric Power and Others for a Control of Ash Deposition by Arc Spraying at Nippon Welding Rod.

The results are very good as shown above photos. I will show you this results.


Control of Ash Deposition in Pulverized Coal Combustor by Arc Spraying (2)

 IWT will provide you newly developed Arc Spraying Wire, as same effects as"NiSA" and cheerer cost.

---This Technology was carried out by Government Subsidy on purpose of more cheaper and same effect for ash deposition as shown TECHNICAL DATA LIST 03. As a result, new arc spraying wire has developed.


Improvement of Weld Qualities by High Temperature Treatment of Natural Raw Materials used in Welding Materials (1)

Basic Data and Applications

(Based by Japan Opened Patent Number No.1980-19458)


Improvement of Welding Material Quality by High Temperature Treatment of Natural Rock Matrials 2 Application for ESW

-- IWT provide you Flux for ESW and SAW with conception--


The Design Concept in FCW wire's Formula

IWT will provide you a Proposal and FCW Wires, wanted your Chemical Compositions or Qualities.

There are three type of cross section in FCW as shown above.

I will show you the Design Concept in FCW wire's Formula.

Specifically, to get the chemical compositions or quality of weld,

We decide with the combination of chemical compositions and physical property of hoop, inner wire and inner powder (metallic and non-metallic).

There are some restrictions.

13-2-405 Higashikujo Aketa-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto,   601-8044 JAPAN



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